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Research & Expertise news at HSE University

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Illustration for news: Monsters of the Deep: HSE Scientists Have Compiled a Catalogue of Rogue Waves

Monsters of the Deep: HSE Scientists Have Compiled a Catalogue of Rogue Waves

Rogue waves, or killer waves, are abnormally high and deadly waves that can emerge unpredictably in open seas and along shorelines. They pose an imminent deadly threat to everyone from colossal liners and pleasure yachts to seafarers and vacationers. Scientists from the HSE campus in Nizhny Novgorod Efim Pelinovsky and Ekaterina Didenkulova have assembled a catalogue of such phenomena that occurred in the World Ocean from 2011 to 2018, identifying the areas where they are frequently documented and inflict the most substantial damage.

Illustration for news: Attainment of Happiness in Psychologically Mature Individuals Linked to Pursuit of Meaning

Attainment of Happiness in Psychologically Mature Individuals Linked to Pursuit of Meaning

Austrian psychiatrist Viktor Frankl believed that the quest for meaning constitutes a fundamental and intrinsic motivation for all human beings. Some other authors suggest that the need for meaning or purpose only emerges at higher levels of personality development. According to a team of psychologists from HSE and the University of Paris Nanterre, individuals who have achieved higher levels of ego development are inclined to relinquish hedonistic motives in favour of cultivating mindfulness and embarking on a quest for meaning. These findings have been published in Frontiers in Psychology.

Illustration for news: Student Project Helps Fall in Love with French Music and Expand Cultural Outlook

Student Project Helps Fall in Love with French Music and Expand Cultural Outlook

On June 8th, 2023, students from different faculties of HSE University who had participated in the project ‘Cross-cultural dialogue between the Arab Maghreb and France through the example of song and music traditions’ presented the results of their work. Irina Bilyk, head of the project, and Arina Tulebaeva, a second-year student of the Asian and African Studies programme at HSE University in Moscow, who was instrumental in organising it, spoke to us about the project.

Illustration for news: Bilingualism and Dementia: How a Second Language Protects Against Cognitive Aging

Bilingualism and Dementia: How a Second Language Protects Against Cognitive Aging

People who are fluent in two or more languages are less susceptible to age-related mental disorders. They more quickly process information and make decisions, have better memories, and can even better identify emotions. Scientists from various countries discussed the influence of a second language on the processes of cognitive aging at the international symposium ‘Bilingualism: Proper Learning, Effective Communication, and Pleasant Old Age’ hosted by HSE University.

Illustration for news: HSE University and Agency for Strategic Initiatives Sign Cooperation Agreement

HSE University and Agency for Strategic Initiatives Sign Cooperation Agreement

HSE University and the Agency for Strategic Initiatives (ASI) have agreed to cooperate in the development of new technologies, the digital transformation of the economy, and the social development of the country. The agreement was signed by HSE University Rector Nikita Anisimov and ASI Director General Svetlana Chupsheva at the St Petersburg International Economic Forum.

Illustration for news: HSE Researchers Undertake Unique Scientific Expedition to West Africa

HSE Researchers Undertake Unique Scientific Expedition to West Africa

Researchers from the HSE Faculty of Social Sciences will study social processes in African countries, the issues and features of the continent’s demographic development, and problems related to the causes of separatism and decentralisation in particular African states during a multi-day scientific expedition that will be launched in June 2023.

Illustration for news: From Ingenious Fungi to Post-feminism: HSE University Hosts Season’s Last Science Battles Semi-Final

From Ingenious Fungi to Post-feminism: HSE University Hosts Season’s Last Science Battles Semi-Final

Season VI of Science Battles at HSE University is entering the homestretch. The June semi-final determined the list of finalists and helped many viewers choose their favourites. This time, young researchers decided to figure out how to conduct a police lineup without destroying a person’s life, as well as how to improve a child’s academic performance without instilling neurotic perfectionism. They also found out that fungi and mould help heal scars and save the environment, and that adherents of post-feminism have very mixed feelings about their own images on TikTok.

Illustration for news: Russian Physicists Developed the Fastest Algorithm for the Simulation Motion of Microparticles in a Plasma Flow

Russian Physicists Developed the Fastest Algorithm for the Simulation Motion of Microparticles in a Plasma Flow

Physicists from the Joint Institute for High Temperatures of RAS, HSE University, and Moscow Institute of Physics and Technologies have developed the first open-source GPU-based code for the simulation of microparticles motion in a plasma flow.  OpenDust is optimised for graphics accelerators, that allows it to calculate the forces acting on microparticles significantly faster than existing alternatives. A paper with the findings has been published in Computer Physics Communications.

Illustration for news: Study Discovers Slower Response to Words Associated with Hand Movement in Children with Upper Limb Arthrogryposis

Study Discovers Slower Response to Words Associated with Hand Movement in Children with Upper Limb Arthrogryposis

A team made up of HSE researchers and paediatricians of the Turner Research Institute for Children’s Orthopedics have compared the cognitive functions of children with and without arthrogryposis. The experiment revealed that children with arthrogryposis exhibit a slight delay of a few milliseconds in their brain responses to words associated with hand movements. The researchers suggest that this discovery be taken into consideration when teaching children with motor impairments and developing diagnostic tools. The paper has been published in Clinical Neurophysiology.

Illustration for news: Researchers at HSE Mirror Lab Create Robot Gardener

Researchers at HSE Mirror Lab Create Robot Gardener

Researchers from HSE University and Tambov State Technical University (TSTU) have developed intelligent robotic systems for the monitoring and quality control of fruits and vegetables. The system allows gardeners to carry out agrotechnical and protective activity, ensuring the highest possible quality of the crop.