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Illustration for news: ‘We Had to Hire a Stylist to Find a Common Language with Fashion Brands’

‘We Had to Hire a Stylist to Find a Common Language with Fashion Brands’

Verisium project founder Vadim Kostomarov is convinced that traditional banks will disappear in the new digital world. Financiers, however, will not be left without work, he adds reassuringly. HSE graduate Vadim Kostomarov tells Success Builder whether people should be divided into ‘techies’ and ‘humanities types,’ how to survive in the fashion industry and consulting, and talk about mistakes in looking for investors, and managing a ‘teal’ company.

Illustration for news: 'The World Is Changing Rapidly and Only Those Who Can Learn Quickly Will Succeed'

'The World Is Changing Rapidly and Only Those Who Can Learn Quickly Will Succeed'

Alexandra Gudimova, graduate of the WEaIA Faculty, decided to study at HSE University because of an injury. She had to leave choreography academy, forget about ballet and the Bolshoi Theater, and restart her life from scratch. Now she heads a thriving business whose success attests to her professionalism. In this instalment of Success Builder, Ms Gudimova talks about how to write a graduate thesis about a family business, ride the snacking wave and create fast food for city dwellers.

Illustration for news: ‘Today’s Architects Face the Challenge of Making Biotechnology More Aesthetic’

‘Today’s Architects Face the Challenge of Making Biotechnology More Aesthetic’

Unexpectedly, one of last year’s trends was…mushrooms. Several startups have shown that mycelium is a suitable material for eco-friendly fabrics, fashionable foods and the manufacture of drugs to treat clinical depression. ‘Prototyping Future Cities’ Master’s Programme graduate Anna Budnikova took the mushroom trend one step further by inventing a building material she calls ‘mycokarst’. She tells Success Builder what the difference is between eco- and bio-materials, why to make water from air and design ‘passive homes’, and who urbanists are and how they are changing our cities.

Illustration for news: ‘I Wouldn’t Worry That AI Will Replace Humans’

‘I Wouldn’t Worry That AI Will Replace Humans’

Ksenia Totmyanina, graduate of the HSE University Faculty of Economic Science and the current Managing Director of the Sberbank Data Research Competency Development Center, talks about the importance of case studies for students, what it feels like to be a ‘woman in IT’ and why the people at Sberbank are not afraid that artificial intelligence will replace humans.

Illustration for news: 'When Forbes Publishes its List of the Richest People under the Heading "The Most Miserable Souls," the World Will Change for the Better'

'When Forbes Publishes its List of the Richest People under the Heading "The Most Miserable Souls," the World Will Change for the Better'

Through her work, Polina Chernomordik — graduate of the HSE WEaIA Faculty and trainer of the Lightning Process technique — gives new meaning to the concept of success. After all, only the ability to identify and live by your own values — and not doing what everyone else does — enables you to develop in your profession and as a member of society. Ms. Chernomordik also knows how NGOs work in Great Britain, the purpose of a good education, and why we chase after phantoms even though inner peace is more important than career.

Illustration for news: 'HSE University Graduates Achieve the Best Results in the Investment Business'

'HSE University Graduates Achieve the Best Results in the Investment Business'

Sergey Pavlovsky combines a top management position at Renova with teaching at the Moscow State University Faculty of Economics, coupling his academic knowledge with the realities of the investment industry. What does an investment director do? How to start a career in finance? How do graduates contribute to HSE’s future? Sergey Pavlovsky answers these questions from the portal’s news service.

Illustration for news: 'We Created the “Uber” of Home Remodeling'

'We Created the “Uber” of Home Remodeling'

After graduating from HSE University, Dmitry Borisov and Yury Goldberg followed different paths. Dmitry built a career at KPMG and Deloitte while Yury became an entrepreneur. They joined forces in 2016 to launch a business. How did they manager to ‘Uberfy’ the chaotic home remodeling and construction market? Has it been difficult helping people overcome their aversion to remodeling? What’s the point in helping your alma mater? They answered these questions and more in an interview with the HSE portal.

Illustration for news: 'The Digital Economy Is Not Just for Techies, but Also for Economists'

'The Digital Economy Is Not Just for Techies, but Also for Economists'

How to wed economics with technology, break down stereotypes of women in IT and master the intricacies of corporate dress code? Victoria Korzhenevskaya, head of digital strategy for IBM Russia, explains this and more to the HSE University News Service.

Illustration for news: 'Dreams Are What Motivate Us to Succeed'

'Dreams Are What Motivate Us to Succeed'

What is wrong with today’s global political market? How can a spam letter change your life? Why do Russians consider New Zealand nothing but boring pastureland, and how can you conduct business there without once setting foot in a tax office? Valeria Kuznetsova, a graduate of the School of Political Science (now the Faculty of Social Sciences) who organizes tourism to New Zealand, told our correspondent this and more.

Illustration for news: 'I’ve Lost Count How Many Times I’ve Flown around the Globe. Economics Is an Adventure!'

'I’ve Lost Count How Many Times I’ve Flown around the Globe. Economics Is an Adventure!'

How a university makes a complete person out of you, how a CFA changes your life, and why an economist should never stop developing professionally — SIBUR Chief Expert for Investment Activity and Project Management Nikolai Tlekhgulov explains this and more.